The weather is so nice here in Fort Bragg right now I can’t stand it. It’s sunny and bright and not windy – just lovely. It’s been like this for, like, twenty four hours and already I can’t remember what a pain it was to defrost my car window for about a million mornings in a row up until now. Everything’s beautiful today and that’s all that matters. Valentine’s Day was lovely, too, by the way – just as I suspected it would be. We had
yummy, heart-themed treats here in the office and my sweet boyfriend took me out to a lovely vegan dinner at the Ravens Restaurant at the Stanford Inn in Mendocino. It’s funny how sometimes life seems rather dismal and then all of a sudden it seems shiny and full of potential. I know, I know – it’s me, not life that fluctuates like that. But still – I’m sure at least some of you can relate to what I mean. And I’m proud to say that I’m getting better at moving through the dismal times as quickly as possible in hopes of getting to shinier ones.
If you are feeling a little dismal, why don’t you go ahead and make that call to Living Light and sign up for our next Associate Chef and Instructor training today. We’re extending our deadline for all the super fabulous discounts we offer, so it’s not like it’s too late. Sometimes, the way to making our days shine is by getting into action. Procrastination is a sure-fire trick for prolonging the darkness. At least I know it is for me and so often, taking the necessary step isn’t half so scary as I thought it would be and the next thing I know – all is well. Try it! Embrace the light!
Inspiring post ME…Spring does make your heart sing…