Well – here we all are in 2013. The world didn’t end and we’re all good to go. The new year is a great time to reassess. We make resolutions and set intentions. We look forward to new possibilities. Of course, the fact of rolling over to another year doesn’t actually change anything – we all know that. We also know that change only comes from within, though, and if it takes remembering to write a three instead of a two on everything to kick off that change, then far out! Let’s set
our hearts and minds on what it is we really want and let that three be a reminder to focus on it. Let’s stay open to all the positive possibilities we see ourselves realizing this year. By the time the three becomes automatic, I bet we’ll be closer to our dreams. Just think where we’ll be when it’s time for the four!
The new year means nine new sessions at Living Light – nine new groups of students, nine new sets of possibilities. Our first session starts on January 12th – super exciting! What better way to start 2013 than putting your focus into planet-friendly, life prolonging food? If part of your vision for the new year is to become a
raw food chef, set your intention and check us out. Give us a call and set up a tour or just request an information packet on-line. It’s easy – just like remembering the three. Happy, happy new year everyone – really and truly. Let’s have a beautiful, abundant 2013 full of love and dreams come true.
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