Green Giant Juice
Yield:  3 cups

1 bunch kale, including stems
½ head romaine lettuce
1 cucumber, quartered lengthwise
1 apple
4 stalks celery
1 lemon, peeled

1. Juice all the ingredients. Serve immediately. 

V-5 Juice 

Yield: 3 cups

6 carrots or 2 apples
1 bunch kale, spinach, or parsley
1 cucumber, peeled and cut in half lengthwise
2 stalks celery
1 lemon, peeled

1. Juice all the ingredients. Serve immediately.


Recipes are from The Raw Food Revolution Diet:  Feast, Lose Weight, Gain Energy, Feel Younger! by Cherie Soria, Brenda Davis, and Vesanto Melina

Carrot-Apple-Ginger Blast
Yield:  Approximately 1 quart

2 pounds carrots, ends trimmed
2 pounds apples, quartered
1 (2-inch) piece fresh ginger, or to taste

1. Juice all the ingredients.
Enjoy immediately or store in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator for up to one day.

Note:  The yield will depend on how juicy the carrots and apples are.


Recipe for Living Light by Cherie Soria