Dr. Dwayne W. Dyer says, “The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.” Well fine. I just hope he doesn’t pop over half an hour before we’re supposed to leave for school/work on any given morning. My kids started school yesterday. Another summer’s over. Back to hectic mornings of lunch boxes and three people to get ready to go instead of one. Back to homework and projects and band practice. Back to laundry, laundry, laundry. I think I’m dreading it much more than they are. And don’t get me wrong, mine are big kids now and get themselves ready and all that good stuff, and the
only reason I make their lunches is because I like to. Anyhow, my daughter begins high school and my son’s going into sixth grade. It’s another milestone for them both and they are both facing it without any real dread which says something about their states of mind, don’t you think? In fact – bring it, Dr. Dyer – you are welcome at my house anytime!
What’s your state of mind at back to school time? Even now – twenty five years since I’ve matriculated anywhere I still get that “back to school” feeling sometimes. If you’re considering coming to Living Light this year, now’s the time
to make up your mind. Our classes are filling up quickly but there’s still some room. We have lots of cool stuff to take this fall including a whole Science of Raw Food Nutrition series. We also have our very popular and very rarely offered Pastry Arts II. This recipe development class is open to Pastry I grads and is a great way to hone your dessert skills before the holidays. Yum! Set your mind on coming to Living Light and let your life reflect your purpose.
You had me at matriculation, ME!
love that word! and you, too!!