Today, Living Light graduated its first Gourmet Raw Food Chefs of 2012. I’m always so amazed by our students. Some of them come so far and they all leave their homes to spend six weeks (sometimes longer) with us to learn how to prepare raw vegan gourmet food. It’s a huge commitment of both time and money, not to mention how focused and ready to be taught they have to be. It really is a labor of love. Anyhow – I’m so proud of them and excited to see what they go off into the world to do with their new
culinary greatness. They are leaving us with a whole new way of looking at food, ready to take that knowledge home and recreate their lives. What an adventure.
Everyday life can get monotonous. It can get real routine and stale. But I’ve found that I’m better able to get out of that reality and into a more adventurous one pretty simply these days. I’m trying to focus on myself in a positive way. I’m enjoying my kids for who they are and am overwhelmed by the wonderful individuals they are growing into. I’m actually remembering to be grateful for all sorts of things every day. I’m trying to relax and trust the universe to provide the things I think I need in its own time. I’m trying to relax and trust the people in my life to be whom and what they present themselves to be. I guess, basically, I’m just not wasting my time worrying. And you know what? Every day is an opportunity to recreate ourselves. Everyday life can be an adventure, too.
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[…] acquire the skills they need to fulfill their dreams, and in a very short time, many of them are living those dreams and sharing with others the possibility of a life only previously imagined. Plant the seeds, pick […]