Addressing Greens
Other Superfoods
Other superfoods include chickweed, amaranth leaves, moringa leaf, lamb’s quarters, dandelion leaves, and blessed thistle. Many other weeds are also super-nutritious with their own healing properties. But remember, just because something is a plant does not mean it is a superfood! Some plants are toxic and poisonous.
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Of all the plant foods that support good health, dark leafy greens are at the top of the list. The darkest and heartiest leafy greens are often bitter in flavor and tough to chew. To increase ease of digestion, we need to either chew greens well and/or prepare them in a way that makes them easier to digest. Blending them in smoothies or marinating and massaging them can soften the texture and make them more edible (and enjoyable!)
Tips for Buying and Storing Greens
- Buy fresh, crisp leaves that are dark green in color.
- Treat greens gently, do not maul or over handle them.
- Put unwashed greens in storage bags that can be sealed. Green bags are perfect storage bags for greens–they keep greens fresher than other kinds of plastic bags for as much as 5 times longer! Place the greens in the bag and gently press the air out, using a twist tie to secure the bag.

- Loosely store greens in the crisper or the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Refrigerators are most effective if they have room for air to flow around the food. Avoid stacking greens against the walls of the refrigerator; they may freeze.
Fresh Facts about Greens

- The most popular commercial greens: kale, romaine, collards and broccoli are highest in protein, calcium and many other nutrients and last longest in the refrigerator.
- Alfalfa is extremely high in protein (about 75%)
- A 26-year study by Chinese scientists showed the medical value of sprouts suggesting their use in reducing inflammation, obtaining a laxative effect, remedying rheumatism and building and toning the body.
- Celery is in the same plant family as carrots, parsley and fennel.
- Julius Caesar ate a hearty serving of collard greens as a preventive to indigestion after attending royal banquets.
- Kale has been cultivated for over 2,000 years.
- Lettuce is a member of the sunflower family
Jameth Sheridan, a longtime raw vegan, herbalist, and holistic medicine researcher. of Healthforce Nutritionals shares some of his favorite Superfoods – all green!
Grasses: The original superfoods that established the genre. Originally popularized by Ann Wigmore and Viktoras Kulvinskas, grasses are high in life giving chlorophyll, very alkaline, and famous for curing indigestion fast. All grasses, even those wheat and barley, are gluten-free when in the form of grass. However, be careful with tray grown grasses. Those with gluten sensitivity can be affected if a kernel of wheat/barley/spelt/kamut gets accidentally put into the juicer.
Algae: Alkaline, but not as much as grasses. Algae is high in non-toxic, complete, low-uric acid forming protein (50-70%). Algae is at the opposite end of the green food spectrum from grasses and other land greens.
Spirulina, Klamath and Blue-Green Algae
The history and research on the positive effects of Spirulina is immense! It was known for giving Aztec runners strength and endurance. It is an excellent source of B Vitamins including B-1, B-2, Iron, and Boron (for calcium utilization). It is high in the amino acid phenylalanine for mood elevation and appetite suppression. Unlike an isolated or synthetic vitamin product that may have few carotenoids in it, spirulina naturally contains several hundred carotenoids, including beta carotene, xanthopyll, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and leutin.
Extracts of Spirulina have been shown to inhibit AIDS and herpes viruses. Tobacco smokers have shown resistance to cigarettes when taking spirulina, which enhances activity of bone marrow cells, natural killer cells, macrophages, and T-cells. Spirulina specifically feeds friendly bacteria (prebiotics). When taking it alone, friendly flora increases.
Blue-Green Algae is the only known source of a unique pigment called phycocyanin. One of phycocyanin’s proven benefits is to both protect and regenerate the kidneys. There are many substances, which include herbs and superfoods, that can flush the kidneys, but phycocyanin can actually help to rebuild them. Of the blue-greens, Phycocyanin is found in the highest concentration in Spirulina (Manna and Azteca) and also found in significant quantities in Klamath Lake Algae. Klamath Lake Algae is also a blue-green algae. Like Spirulina, it is extremely nutritious, with a similar nutrient profile. Since spirulina and blue green algae have different phytonutrient components, it is ideal to comsume both products.
Chlorella is an all green algae, with NO phycocyanin. No phycocyanin means more room for chlorophyll, for which chlorella is the highest known source. Much research has shown that chlorella is a particularly potent detoxifier of toxic metals including cadmium, mercury (from environment, silver fillings, and fish consumption), lead, radioactive uranium, barium, cesium, plutonium, dioxin, etc. Chlorella stimulates interferon production (which leads to the production of more macrophages and specifically T-cells) for increased immunity.

Sea Vegetables
Seaweeds are very rich in trace minerals not found in land plants. They are particularly high in minerals. Kelp is the highest mineral food I am aware of, at approximately 40%. Kelp has much more potassium than bananas. Kelp also contains vitamin D. It has sodium alginate that removes heavy metals and radioactivity, binds cadmium, mercury, lead, radioactive uranium, barium, cesium, plutonium, dioxin, etc. Kelp also contains non-toxic iodine, which displaces radioactive iodine and helps keep the thyroid healthy and organic. Bound iodine is essential for cancer prevention. Note that iodine in isolation can be lethal. There is no known toxicity of iodine from eating Kelp. Iodine is not toxic when in a whole food of vegetable origin. Kelp is the highest in Iodine, but other sea vegetables also have large amounts of it (varying depending on the species).
Nettles are extremely high in chlorophyll and are actually significantly more nutritious than grasses in many respects. They are very high in minerals (2-3 times mineral content of grasses) and vitamins, including non-toxic iron, Vitamin C, and Silica. The first time I had fresh nettle juice I was amazed at the immense energized feeling I got. Nettles are a mild diuretic (removes excess water from the body). They are particularly helpful for kidney health, arthritis, gout, allergies, and eczema. Both the root and the greens are beneficial. The root is particularly helpful for prostate health. Nettles are another plant source of Vitamin D.
Also very high in minerals and probably the single best source of organic Silica, which is non-toxic and absorbable in whole horsetail. Silica promotes healing and regeneration of cartilage, bone, hair, nails, lungs, skin, and helps prevent scar tissue. Horsetail contains significant amounts of calcium and non-toxic iron (good for anemia) as well as beta carotene, B1, B2, B3, C, E, PABA, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, and rhodium. Horsetail is a mild diuretic and promotes kidney detoxification. Unlike drug-based diuretics, horsetail does not cause a harmful loss of minerals – potassium, etc. There are several types of Horsetail available. Equisetum palustre is poisonsous and should not be eaten. Equisetum arvense, when fresh, has the enzyme thiaminase in it and can destroy vitamin B1 in the body. Horsetail either needs to be dried or heated to remove the thiaminase. Be careful if you gather any herb from the wild.

Nettles are extremely high in chlorophyll and are actually significantly more nutritious than grasses in many respects. They are very high in minerals (2-3 times mineral content of grasses) and vitamins, including non-toxic iron, Vitamin C, and Silica. The first time I had fresh nettle juice I was amazed at the immense energized feeling I got. Nettles are a mild diuretic (removes excess water from the body). They are particularly helpful for kidney health, arthritis, gout, allergies, and eczema. Both the root and the greens are beneficial. The root is particularly helpful for prostate health. Nettles are another plant source of Vitamin D.
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