So – in about a month I’ll be turning fifty. FIFTY. I mean, it’s no big deal, and just a number, and you’re only as old as you feel, blah, blah, blah. I get all that. But – if fifty is indeed the possible midpoint, then I could conceivably have as much to do as I’ve already done. Yikes! That, dear reader, is a bit daunting. I mean, I’ve already done a lot of the time fillers like school, college, having little kids, etc., and I’ve already got a lot of the mistakes out of the way as well, knock on wood. So what – I have a whole lifetime’s worth of beauty and wide open possibility ahead of me? Far out. I guess. What are my goals? Do I even have any? And are goals
called a bucket list now? I don’t know – maybe write another book, only this time make it one someone might actually want to read. Is it too vague to say, “be the sort of woman I’ve always wished I were”? Actually, vague or not, I’m sticking with that one, in hopes that all good things will naturally follow.
If you have somewhat more concrete goals, and Living Light figures into them, why wait? We have a lot of wonderful classes coming up. Or maybe you just want to add some living benefits to your diet. Why not come into our Café for a wheat grass shot a couple times a week? Or maybe you just want to read up on raw food. We have all of Cherie’s books available in our Marketplace at a discount if you buy them
all together. Making a commitment to a more planet friendly way of eating on any level is a beautiful and noble thing. Living Light would be honored to be a part of it.
Really, truly, turning 50 is the best!
Love this: “And are goals called a bucket list now?” Yes, they are. It’s how winnow down our goal list into those that are important (in the bucket) and those that are not (toss ’em out!).
“So what – I have a whole lifetime’s worth of beauty and wide open possibility ahead of me? Far out.” — Love it!!
[…] Friday I’ll be fifty years old. Sounds a bit extreme, doesn’t it? I know. Show off. But – there it is. And you know […]